Selasa, 14 Desember 2010


Role of Islamic Education in the era of globalization

What is education? Education is the key to addressing all of the people in the era of globalization. In the era of modernization, today many generations of smart, but they do not know how to tell which is wrong and what is right so we are not able to compete in the globalization era like today. Therefore, we as students or young generation should be a motivator in the face of this global era. Because globalization is very influential in the formation of character. So, be careful in this globalization era. Because a lot of which deviate from the rules of Islam because of the many western cultures that have influenced younger generations especially in Indonesia. And to be more careful again against our enemies. Because the enemies of Islam did not attack us with swords, bombs, etc., but they want to attack us with some news, electronics to affect our religion.

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